A new nanomedicine centre at the University of New South Wales, the first of its kind in Australia, will research new treatments for difficult-to-treat diseases including aggressive childhood cancer and lung cancer.

The Australian Centre for Nanomedicine (ACN), was launched by Australia’s Chief Scientist, Professor Ian Chubb. The centre brings together medical and clinical researchers with specialists in nanotechnology, engineering and chemistry to create new treatments for disease.

Professor Chubb said work like the ACN's was central to the purpose of Australia's universities.

"The purpose of universities is to use our talents to make the world a better place," Professor Chubb said.

"Nanomedicine will enable better delivery of drugs and vital therapies to individuals who would not prosper without that treatment."

The ACN, in partnership with the Children’s Cancer Institute Australia (CCIA) and UNSW’s Lowy Cancer Research Centre, is targeting neuroblastoma among its initial projects. Neuroblastoma is a difficult-to-treat cancer – the most common tumour in children under five years of age and one which has one of the lowest survival rates – 40 to 50 per cent.

The ACN is led by Professor Professor Tom Davis, from the Faculty of Engineering; Professor Maria Kavallaris, from the Faculty of Medicine; and Professor Justin Gooding, from the Faculty of Science.

Professor Kavallaris said the centre was investigating the use of organic nanoparticles to deliver gene-silencing therapy to the site of the cancer.

"Using nanomedicine we work with engineers and chemists to custom-design the vehicles that will deliver a treatment direct to the site of the disease. This technique may also allow us to use less of the drug and minimise harmful side effects," Professor Kavallaris said.

The ACN is also developing treatments for lung cancer and chronic liver disease, and investigating new pain management drugs derived from marine life among its initial projects.

Nanomedicine uses the changed properties of materials at the nanometre scale – measured in millionths of a millimetre – to develop revolutionary drug delivery, gene therapy, cell regeneration and disease diagnosis methods not possible in conventional medicine.

The multidisciplinary ACN comprises researchers from the UNSW Faculties of Medicine, Science and Engineering, the CCIA and the UNSW Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design.

The University of Queensland (UQ) has entered into a landmark agreement with technology specialist Siemens, to install a powerful MRI system that is more than twice as strong as any other MRI system currently available in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Victorian Government is providing funding of $1.6 million to support the operation of the Medical Research Commercialisation Fund over the next four years.

A vertical wind profiler, which replaces upper air wind observations using weather balloons, has been installed as part of a new, purpose-built meteorological office at Ceduna on South Australia’s west coast.

The Federal Government has announced $6.2 million in grants through the Green Car Innovation Fund for the production of lighter cars that will reduce carbon emissions.  The grants have been awarded to component manufacturers CFusion, Toyoda Gosei Australia, Composite Materials Engineering and Hirotec.

The Victorian Minister for Technology, Gordon Rich-Phillips has announced that the State Government will provide $3 million as part of a $21 million investment in the University of Melbourne’s Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society (IBES).

Researchers at Monash University are investigating the use of a material called graphene, which could form the basis of the next generation of ultrafast energy storage systems.

The Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (NIER) has been officially opened at the University of Newcastle.

Research into how variations in atmospheric and ocean variations contribute significantly to droughts and floods such as those recently experienced across south-east Australia and Queensland has been presented at a workshop hosted by the South Eastern Australian Climate Initiative (SEACI),  a three-year, $9 million research program investigating the causes and impacts of climate variability and change throughout south-eastern Australia.

CSIRO has awarded a five-year research fellowship to Dr Wenju Cai to head up a new research team to conduct work into  better understanding the impact of climate change on Australia, with particular focus on the extremes of flooding and droughts around the country.

The New South Wales Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research, Jillian Skinner, has announced an investment of more than $30 million in cancer research projects across seven major NSW research centres.

A new research alliance has been formed to support the sustainable development of the coal seam gas (CSG) industry in Queensland.

James Cook University has opened its Australian Tropic Sciences and Innovation Precinct in Townsville, which will conduct research into sustainable natural resource use in Australia’s tropics.

The CSIRO, in conjunction with the Auckland University of Technology and the University of Tasmania, have commissioned a working optical fibre link between their separate radio telescopes, emulating the discovery potential of the planned Square Kilometre Array (SKA).

The CSIRO have published a joint research paper showing the results of research conducted into the effects of a +4ºC rise in global temperatures, finding that such an increase would lead to major reductions in annual rainfall in southern Australia, significant increases in evaporation across the country and reduced snow cover in alpine regions.

The CSIRO has urged closer scientific studies into how the frequency and intensity of wildfires in the face of climate.

The Australian National University and Ernst & Young Canberra have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly contribute to advisory services in response to consulting requests.

The Federal Government has called for comment on the administration of the new R&D Tax Credit.

Three major energy innovation initiatives have been announced as part of the Federal Government’s carbon price package.

The Minister for Mental Health and Ageing Mark Butler has released the Report of the Independent Review of the Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction Act 2002 and the Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002.

Mr Butler said the independent Review Committee, chaired by the Hon Peter Heerey QC, had indicated its view that the basic structure of the legislation should remain, while making recommendations about the framework for human embryo research.

“The 33 recommendations that were produced relate largely to updating and clarifying the legislation, or keeping existing requirements.  The recommendations reflect the Committee’s careful consideration of more than 260 submissions, as well as information provided in appearances before the Committee," Mr Butler said.

“The legislative framework will need to continue to balance the needs of health and medical researchers, who aim to improve human health, with the social and ethical challenges in human embryo research."

The Report of the Independent Review of the Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction Act 2002 and the Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002 can be found at www.legislationreview.nhmrc.gov.au.

Inventors in Australia and New Zealand can look forward to a faster, cheaper and more streamlined trans-Tasman patent process, following an agreement between the two countries to an implementation plan that will deliver a single application process for both countries by early 2013, and a single patent examination by June 2014.

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