Research at the University of Melbourne and the Bureau of Meterology has overturned conventional ideas of ocean circulation.

Rather than moving simply in large clockwise (northern hemisphere) and anti-clockwise (southern hemisphere) gyres, the open waters of the southeast Indian Ocean are flowing east-west in bands, University of Melbourne PhD candidate Prasanth Divakaran and colleagues have shown.

The findings have important implications for our understanding of all sorts of ocean events from the movements of fish and marine life to the prediction of weather and climate.

EMBL Australia has expanded its participant membership, with all Australian Group of Eight (Go8) universities now involved. 

Two of The University of Queensland's (UQ) leading researchers have teamed with the world's largest biopharmaceutical company to develop new peptide-based medicines for the treatment of major diseases. 

The Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical Research in Sydney is to be housed under one roof in a new $135 million building.

A team of Australian researchers from the CSIRO and the University of Melbourne has developed a solar panel that can be painted directly to any surface.

Adelaide University has announced advanced research into the use of metal nanoparticles in the generation of hydrogen energy.

The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, Warren Snowdon, has announced the establishment of an independent probity board that will guide decision making within the Defense Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO).

Australia’s national ICT research centre, NICTA, has unveiled three new products at the international biotechnology forum, Bio2011, in Washington.

The Victorian Government will establish a new advisory council for Victoria’s biotechnology sector, with funding of $1.2 million over four years to operate the council.

The  Queensland Premier, Anna Bligh, has announced the creation of a new peak industry body for the life sciences sector, Life Sciences Queensland, with state government support of $1.86 million over the first four years, matched by industry support.

Researchers in Queensland are preparing to make a bid to provide the US Navy with biofuels for ships and planes by 2020.

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has announced how the Queensland government will allocate $100 million in a new round of Smart State funds.

A co-operative team from RMIT University and the Australian National University (ANU) have developed a method that will allow mechanical pressure into electricity.

Ensuring Australian pork is a high integrity meat that is welfare optimal, environmentally responsible, safe and nutritious is the focus of the new CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork.

A new collaborative group is bringing together key players within the Australian water community who undertake the role of research and development knowledge brokers, with an aim of sharing information on R&D and promoting knowledge and adoption of research outcomes to the industry.

The Federation of Scientific and Technological Societies (FASTS), the peak body that brings together nearly 60 member groups in the science and technology sector,  has been rebadged to become Science & Technology Australia.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Minister for Resources and Energy, Martin Ferguson and Member for Newcastle, Sharon Grierson officially opened the CSIRO Solar Tower which will focus on solar tower research, development and commercialisation in the Hunter Region.

The Federal Government has announced crossbench support for the new R&D Tax Credit with a new start date of 1 July 2011. The new $1.8 billion R&D Tax Credit will replace the R&D Tax Concession.

Australia’s first bionics institute will be a leader in neurobionic research, with the aim of developing devices for conditions such as epilepsy.

Three new collaborative research projects have been allocated funding totalling $6.1 million under Round 4 of the Australian Space Research Program (ASRP.

NICTA (National ICT Australia) and German IT security specialist secunet (Security Networks AG) signed a research agreement to develop high-security IT products for the defence and government sectors.

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