Local government researchers and tertiary institutions now have the opportunity to conduct original research that will benefit the sector under an initiative undertaken by the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government.

ACELG will provide a maximum of $15,000 to partners who can contribute at least $10,000 from their own organisation or from a third party. Smaller projects are also welcome.

This initiative is part of ACELG’s Research and Policy Foresight Program, and a total of $100,000 has been set aside for this activity in 2011.

34 new inventions have received grants of up to $2 million to commercialise their projects under the Federal Government’s new Commercialisation Australia initiative.

University of Melbourne vice-chancellor Glyn Davis will be the next chair of peak body Universities Australia.

Meat and Livestock Australia's general manager livestock production and innovation, Ian Johnsson, has resigned after being at the helm of the producer-owned red meat research and marketing company for 15 years.

IP Australia is seeking comments from the public on draft legislation designed to strengthen and improve Australia's IP system.

The Queensland Health Database of Research Activity (DoRA) has been released.

Six world-class researchers have been recognised with the presentation of the 2011 NHMRC Australia Fellowships.

Melbourne aerospace researchers at RMIT are working with leaders of the Russian space industry to build two space centres in Australia.

Professor Paul Greenfield, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Queensland, has been appointed as chair of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) board.

Ian Frazer has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the Translational Research Institute (TRI) in Brisbane, Queensland.

Professor Penny Sackett, Australia’s Chief Scientist, has resigned after two and a half years in the job, citing personal and professional reasons for her decision.

Ground breaking research in Australia’s universities will be boosted by grants worth $1.5 billion under the Research Blocks Grants allocation for 2011.

The Western Australian Government has allocated $5.2 million over the next three years to the new Targeted Research Fund (TRF) which has been set up to fund research that impacts directly on the health of Western Australians.

Australia’s ICT Research Centre of Excellence NICTA, enterprise software company SAP and Europe’s largest application-oriented research organisation Fraunhofer have announced the opening of the Future Logistics Living Lab. 

Funding totalling $7.4 million has been awarded to 18 research teams under the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) Development Grants scheme.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, have announced a new initiative to integrate New Zealand and Australia’s patent examination services. 

The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET) has announce the decision to create a new professionally independent unit, to be known as the Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (BREE).

The type of inventions that can be patented in the future is the focus of a new report by the Advisory Council on Intellectual Property.

The Australian Government has announced funding for priority adaptation research into preparing Australia for the impacts of climate change.

The NSW Government has announced funding of $16 million for two major medical research initiatives.

The University of Tasmania, CSIRO’s Division of Food and Nutritional Sciences and the Defence Science & Technology Organisation (DSTO) are to jointly to establish a new Research Centre in Food Innovation at Stottsdale in Tasmania.

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