Go8 research leaders to exchange ideas with China Nine Research Universities
The Group of Eight (Go8) has called for applications under the new research leadership executive shadowing program between the Go8 and Consortium of China Nine Research Universities (C9).
The program, which has been awarded funding of $100,000 by the Federal Government, will enable senior research and research training executives from Go8 universities to spend two weeks at a C9 institution, and vice versa. The visitors will observe the host university’s operations and decision-making processes, and gain insights into research management and leadership issues in the partner nation.
This program will facilitate career development of university leaders including Deputy Vice-Chancellors Research and Pro Vice-Chancellors Research/Research Training, and deepen research and professional engagement between some of the main discovery universities in Australia and China, as well as foster mutually-advantageous activities including staff /student exchanges and joint research projects.
The C9 institutions are currently mentoring a number of Chinese western region universities which will also be included in this shadowing program.
Applications opened on 11 August 2011 with the shadowing program commencing in early 2012. It is an extension of a Go8-C9 MoU signed in October 2010.
More information is here.