Governments are greenlighting rocket projects despite environmental outcry and defence cuts.

Federal backing could bring next-gen battery technology closer.

Australia’s climate is warming fast, bringing harsher fires, hotter seas, and shifting rainfall extremes.

Australian scientists have made a breakthrough in gene therapy for eye diseases.

A review has found Australia’s health and medical research workforce is diverse and motivated, but facing challenges.

Australia is getting a CDC, years after facing COVID-19 without a playbook.

A new CSIRO facility has been created to bring flexible solar tech to market.

Mathematicians have challenged the Infinite Monkey Theorem.

Toddlers might be more socially savvy than once thought, new research suggests.

UniSA is running a robotics program to inspire a new generation of STEM-savvy teachers.

Adani has accused researchers of trying to derail Australia’s coal export industry.

Experts say marine heatwaves in the deep ocean often go undetected.

A new research project aims to improve climate change water-risk assessments

The Commonwealth has set a bold course for ocean protection with a landmark agreement.

A new invention generates useful static electricity from waste polystyrene.

Leading scientists have warned that Australia’s Maugean skate could soon be lost forever.

An ancient gene may explain why some First Nations people face tougher battles with disease.

Wind patterns have emerged as a key factor in coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef.

Generative AI could drive up e-waste by a thousandfold in coming years.

A $55 million funding injection hopes to turn innovative ideas into industries.

A “low-risk” antibiotic is helping superbugs evolve to become nearly untreatable.

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