Archived News for Research Sector Professionals
Methane surge observed
CSIRO says global methane emissions have surged by 20 per cent over the last two decades.
Tech leap for robot leg
Engineers have created an advanced new robotic leg, powered by artificial muscles.
Aged care superbugs studied
Superbugs are spreading in aged care homes due to overuse of antibiotics.
Heart harm timeline plotted
New research reveals that heart damage from COVID-19 often stabilises after hospitalisation.
HIV rise amid broader slide
Despite a recent rise, HIV diagnoses in Australia have shown a steady decline over the past decade.
Semaglutide death risk reviewed
A major weight loss drug could lower the risk of death from heart disease, infections, and even COVID-19.
Consumers' tech trust measured
Despite being keen for new retail technologies, Australian consumers appear to fear and mistrust them.
New modellers for MDBA
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority is collaborating with state governments to enhance river modelling expertise ...
Phone cancer claims denied
Mobile phones do not cause brain cancer, a major WHO-backed study confirms.
Quantum tech for new sensor
Australian researchers say their tiny quantum sensor could make a big impact.
Electric effect grows gold
Australian scientists have uncovered new details about the formation of gold in the Earth’s crust.
Big solar boost opens
Australia is launching its $1 billion push to turbocharge local solar manufacturing.
Frozen virus probed
A new study reveals the evolutionary history of viruses preserved in glacial ice.