Archived News for Research Sector Professionals - July, 2016
US Vice President Joe Biden has toured one of Australia’s top cancer centres.
Next-gen apps to augment safety
Critics see Pokemon Go as a danger on the road, but could it keep drivers safe?
Kick drums to kill imbalance
Australia’s top eight universities have launched a new music video to highlight engineering as a career for women.
TPP held up by Australian desires
One of the biggest roadblocks to the passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) has criticised Australian pharmaceutical companies.
Alzheimer's amyloid target hit
Australian researchers have helped take the latest step towards a vaccine for Alzheimer’s.
Plastic-eater's big test begins
Dutch engineers are testing technology that could clean the giant pool of garbage choking our ocean.
Sweet study shows artificial effect
Consuming artificial sweeteners can trick the brain into over-eating.
AIDs fading fast
Australia’s top scientists have declared “the end of AIDS” as a public health issue in Australia.
Blood test could cut chemo needs
Australian researchers have designed a blood-based screening test in the hoping of reducing ‘futile’ chemotherapy.
Ceramic drives for future storage
Australian researchers have discovered a way to use ceramics as digital storage.
DIY brain boosts decried
Australians have helped put a new mark on the scale of ‘Things-You-Shouldn’t-Need-Scientists-To-Tell-You’.
New clinic to fill jab gaps
A special clinic will specifically target children who are not vaccinated due to complex medical conditions.
Cloned bones shaken into shape
Scientists have grown new bones in the lab using some of the equipment designed to detect gravitational waves.
Zinc hit for bigger zaps
Australian scientists have improved the performance of tiny lasers by adding impurities.
Juno shoots for new view of Jupiter
NASA’s Juno spacecraft will reach a crucial stage of its five-year journey through space today.
Small sensors could be big help
Engineers at MIT have used carbon nanotubes to make a tiny new mobile chemical sensor.