The ability of soil to store carbon is being threatened by climate stressors.

Millions in new funding has been provided for collaboration between regional universities and industries.

New technology could provide tiny, personal air quality monitoring devices.

Engineers have created a vitamin-pill-sized monitor for the body’s microbiome.

Research shows only 1 in 20 therapies tested on animals make it to human trials.

A $160 million medical research program in NSW could uncover the next big health breakthrough.

Experts say green hydrogen may be the best technology for overcoming the volatility of renewable energy.

Experts say a new diagnosis is needed for problem gaming.

Research suggests experiencing racism may rewire the brain and accelerate ageing.

Australian experts have made a major discovery in vaccine science.

People tend to spend more when using cashless payment methods compared to traditional cash transactions.

Researchers are exploring the potential of ‘digitalised touch’ in social media.

Australian experts suggest a potential solution to the rampant spread of misinformation on social media.

Virtual reality can significantly reduce pain and anxiety for women during labour.

After 128 years of exploration and excavation, Flinders University researchers have uncovered the skull of Australia's “giga-goose”.

Providing a universal basic income (UBI) worldwide could boost economies and address environmental challenges...

Experts have studied the inequality caused by rivers that cross major boundaries.

A new website has been created to enhance understanding of soil science and management.

Research has found evidence that fresh water on Earth appeared about five hundred million years earlier than previously thought.

Australian engineers are working on new technology that could give night vision abilities to normal glasses.

Blood tests could track the recovery of concussed football players.

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