Archived News for Research Sector Professionals - April, 2020
The Federal Government is attempting to calm privacy fears over its new contact tracing app.
Ultrasound for Alzheimer's studied
Australian experts have found new evidence that ultrasound can help in the battle against Alzheimer’s disease.
Paris goals could pay off
A new study suggests meeting the Paris Agreement goals would benefit the world's economy in the long-term.
Reef studies funded
An ambitious $150 million research and development program has been announced for the Great Barrier Reef.
Tehan extends higher help
The Education Minister says a higher education relief package is “unashamedly” focused on domestic students.
Sub staff studied
For people locked down around Australia, there may be some lessons to learn from submariners.
Green power for hydro-fuel
Energy Minister Angus Taylor is backing renewable energy sources as a way to drive a new hydrogen industry.
NSW rivers warming fast
A new study finds coastal rivers, lakes and lagoons in NSW are warming twice as fast as the ocean.
Quantum gas sounded out
A new study has examined the propagation of energy as sound waves in a quantum gas.
Starfish wait years to attack
A new study shows how crown of thorns starfish lie in wait as algae-eating young before attacking coral.
String tied to Neanderthal yarn
The discovery of the oldest known piece of string shows Neanderthals were even more advanced than once believed.
Old forest CCS assessed
Research suggests the carbon-capturing abilities of some forests may not be as expected.
Photo flash spots solar flaws
A literal “trick of the light” has been used to detect imperfections in next-gen solar cells.
Solid-state batteries advanced
New developments mean the world may soon see all-solid-state battery technology.
Tech giants take on tracing
Apple and Google are working to build contact tracing technology into their operating systems.
Virus vectors reviewed
A new study finds that the closer animals get to humans, the more diseases they spread.
Privacy risk in tracing apps
Authorities around the world are looking for technological means to control the COVID-19 pandemic.
Unis clear Year 12 path
Universities are working with governments to ensure Year 12s have a clear path to tertiary education in 2021.
Faecal transplants tested
Poo transplants have been found to successfully treat one kind of superbug 90 per cent of the time.
Microbes spotted in old lava
Microbes have been discovered in a part of the ocean where many believed they could not exist.
New scaffold for lab-grown meat
The quest to create meat without the need for animal agriculture continues.