Archived News for Research Sector Professionals - March, 2020
The world's tropical coral reefs are approaching a tipping point of ‘near-annual’ bleaching.
Bushfire likelihood assessed
A new study has found the human-induced climate crisis made Australia's recent bushfires at least 30 per cent more likely.
Experts call for survival strategy
An expert group is calling for the planet to come together and develop a strategy for human survival.
Low score for local efforts
A massive scientific scorecard has rated the health of Australia’s environment less than 1 out of 10.
Green power risks studied
A new study looks at renewable energy facilities in areas of environmental significance, which could threaten natural habitats.
New soft-bot on scalable frame
Engineers have created a new, shape-changing, free-roaming soft robot to work alongside humans.
Skyrmions scoped for new data
Australian researchers are looking at strangely-shaped magnetic fields as a new way to store data.
Mum's bugs boost babies
A new study has found that a mother’s gut bugs can affect their baby’s food allergies.
Antarctic ice loss drastic
A series of papers have shown that Antarctica is losing ice mass at unprecedented rates.
CCS checked for QLD
A new study suggests carbon capture and storage (CCS) could be a real option for Queensland.
Cell study reveals chemo target
Scientists have discovered that cells inject each other, which could open a new line of attack on cancer.
Expert eyes on oldest stars
A cutting-edge team has been formed to search for the oldest stars and galaxies in our universe.
Open bottles bring risks
A new study suggests that just opening a plastic bag or bottle may release microplastics.
WMO wants green goals retained
Experts say the global COVID-19 shutdown should not be an excuse to stop climate action.
Vaccines fast-tracked
Both the federal and Queensland governments are pouring more money into research for a COVID-19 vaccine.
Brain map gives insight
The first ever genetic map of the cerebral cortex has been produced with the help of Australian researchers.
Teeth show ancient divide
A high-tech study of teeth has exposed ancient gender inequality in China.
Vape study denies 'gateway'
A British study has found young vapers are less likely to try cigarettes later.
COVID-19 drug tests funded
Queensland researchers say they have reached their funding goal for clinical trials of a possible COVID-19 vaccine.
Monkeys show COVID response
A study in monkeys has found they do not develop a coronavirus infection the second time they are exposed, suggesting plasma from recovered patients could be a treatment for COVID-19.