Quinn named top WA scientist
The Western Australian Government has named Professor Peter Quinn as the state’s scientist of the year for his groundbreaking work in radio astronomy research.
Professor Quinn, founding Director of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) was awarded the $50,000 prize at the 2012 WA Science Awards ceremony in Perth last week.
"I congratulate Professor Quinn for this well deserved achievement. The award recognises Professor Quinn's long-term contribution to astronomy and Australian science," Federal Minister for Science and Research Senator Chris Evans said.
Along with his research on galaxy formation and dark matter, Professor Quinn was a leading figure in the successful bid that saw Australia named joint host of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope.
"Through his work on the SKA project, Professor Quinn has helped ensure Australia remains a leading player in radio astronomy for generations to come."
ICRAR received further accolades at the 2012 WA Science Awards with ICRAR Deputy Director Professor Steven Tingay named as Science Ambassador of the Year.
Professor Tingay who has also made a significant contribution to the SKA Project, particularly through his work on low frequency radio astronomy.