A new laboratory for the identification of Western Australian fauna using modern DNA technology has been launched at the Western Australian Museum’s Collection and Research Centre.


The laboratory will allow for the accurate identification of new species using molecular tools and methods that will provide, among other things, better certainty for environmental impact assessments to Government and industry.

In November 2010, the WA Museum received Environmental Offset funding of $1.6million from Rio Tinto Iron Ore for the construction and staffing of the Molecular Systematics Unit.

“The WA Museum has long-awaited the development of such a facility that will aid genetic analysis of the State’s fauna, a task that the museum has in the past outsourced to other organisations at considerable cost,” the Minister said.

More information about the WA Museum’s research can be found here: http://www.museum.wa.gov.au/research/research-areas/#earth-and-planetary-sciences