New approach to renewable energy funding proposed
The Australian Centre for Renewable Energy (ACRE) has released its Strategic Directions report setting out priorities for renewable energy technology development and recommending initiatives to support development, commercialisation and large scale deployment.
The report, developed by the ACRE Board under the chairmanship of Mary O’Kane, will be used by the Federal Government in determining its support for renewable energy.
The report recommends the creation of an expanded Emerging Renewables program, consisting of the Government’s $40 million election commitment, combined with ACRE’s other unallocated funds.
This could extend the funding for Emerging Renewables to more than $100 million, of which at least $40 million would be available for developing technologies such as ocean and geothermal power.
The report recommends an approach for government support of its activities, including prioritising support on a ‘best value’ basis to maximise economic benefits of ACRE’s funds. It also recommends “investment of venture capital into Australian ventures and provision of strategic grants and other suitable public finance mechanisms to progress Australian technologies, including encouraging commercialisation through global markets”.
Support should also be provided for pilot, demonstration and early stage commercial deployment of technologies and for critical enabling technolies. ACRE proposes to establish a ‘one-stop shop’ for renewable energy information and to take a lead coordination role in renewable energy technology innovation and deployment in Australia.
The report recommends the establishment of a single new funding program, to be called the Emerging Renewables Program, that would use a range of public financing mechanisms. At least $40 million of funding would be available for less-developed technologies such as geothermal and wave.
The Government will now consider ACRE’s recommendations.
ACRE was established in 2010 to provide a central point of contact for companies looking to invest in renewable energy and enabling technologies and is a key component of the Government’s $5 billion Clean Energy Initiative.
Strategic Directions is available at