Dedicated Australia-China research fund opens
The Federal Government has announced $18 million in joint Chinese and Australian government funding over the next three years for the dedicated Australia-China Research Fund (ACSRF) following its launch earlier this month.
The Australian Government is committing $A9 million to the fund from 2011-12, matched by the Chinese Government. This is in addition to recent reforms to assist Australian researchers to collaborate with international partners generally.
Minister for Innovation Senator Kim Carr says the fund, a joint initiative with the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, is focused on achieving enduring partnerships between the two countries, and achieving critical mass in areas of mutual research priority.
"For example, both Australia and China are keen to see partnerships develop between research and industry, to accelerate the development of technologies which will underpin tomorrow's industries and lifestyles," Senator Carr said.
"That is why we have crafted this program to include scope for industry participation to benefit from our strong existing science and research relationship with China.
Announced earlier this year, the Fund will support Australia-China joint research centres. The Australian Government will provide up to $1 million for each centre - matched by the Chinese Government. Joint research centres must include at least one Australian Eligible Research Organisation and one Chinese partner.
Applications for funding from joint research centres close on 27 February 2012, while group mission applications will be assessed as they are received.
For more information on the Australia-China Science and Research Fund, or contact the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research on 02 6276 1093.